Wednesday 21 April 2010

EVALUATION 3 & 4) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why? How will you attract/address your audience?

Our movie is supposedly going to be distributed by a well known British film association Film 4. Since the plan we think that our movie fits with the Film 4 look. Our movie fits into the category of low budget cult films which is something that film 4 distributes a lot, for example FIlm 4 releases short films made by independent film makers which are available to watch on their website.

Click here to watch FIlm 4 short movies

On the website Film 4 provides the independent film makers such as us to publish our movie in high quality. There's also a comment section where the audience can leave feedbacks, which is important for a film maker to receive feedbacks from the public. Also in our modern world, social networking sites such as twitter and facebook is important for people to communicate, esspecially those who are our target audience. From theFilm 4 website they can re-tweet our movie or post it on their facebook to share it with their friends.

Film 4 also shows plenty of their short movies to film festivals such as Bang! Short Film Events, or the BFI film festival.
There is also The International Short Film Festival (ISFF) Hamburg, Germany. FIlm 4 allows us to reach to an audience of industry people and also the wider public as they advertise their website regularly on their Channel on TV.

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