Monday 12 April 2010

Location shots

Before we began filming, me and Hannah St. Jean went to the location and did practice shots to see the angles and shot type that is appropriate according to our storyboard

The setting for our film is perfect according to our storyboard. As you can see, this shot was used in our final film because I thought it was an appropriate angle and it also matches with the storyboard.

This was our initial idea of the action when "Alice" (protagonist character) picks up her dressing gown, I thought this shot wouldn't work well because it doesn't go with the whole sequence, so we ditched the idea and used the other action from the final movie.

This is almost the exact angle and shot as the one we used in our final film, by taking this location shots and practice filming we get to see what works and what doesn't

I used these shots as a base before filming our actual movie. From here I was thinking about the final shots and mise en scene that was needed to fulfil my storyboard.

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