Wednesday 20 January 2010

How is suspense created in, 'What Lies Beneath'?

There are many ways in which suspense is created.

When Clarie is looking through the window at her neighbor (frames 1 and 2) and then he dissappears. (frames 4, 5, 6 and 7) Both the audience and Clarie are wondering where he is, at the next look, he is there. (frame 9) The audience and Clarie are both shocked. The use of silence before he appears and then when he appears using dramatic music makes the audience jump as it is unexpected.

Another way that suspense is created is when Claire looks back at the phone. She checks back and she sees it was '411' not '911'. The camera then quickly pans up with Claire looking up to see Claires reflection in the mirror and Norman peering over her.

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