Saturday 30 January 2010

Thriller sub-genres

Thriller sub-genres

In class we discussed the different sub genre within the Thriller genre. Here are a few of examples of thriller sub genre's and movies that fits into the genre.

  • Action thriller
  • Crime thriller -
  • Disaster thriller
  • -
  • Drama thriller
  • -
  • Spy thriller -
  • Psychological thriller-
Out of all these genres, the most inspiring genre to me is the psychological thriller. To me a movie that engages me from the start to end because of its distinctive story line which makes me think a lot is a type of movie I enjoy the most. The movie Old Boy by Park Chan Wook is a South Korean movie, it is one of the installments of the revenge trilogy including Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Sympathy for Lady vengeance
Park Chan Wook is famous for his thrilling brutal movies which I think is reflective to the great Quentin Tarantino with an Asian twist. I think his movies have inspired me with lots ideas for my thriller movie. I would like to make a movie as gripping and unique as Park Chan Wook's work.

Here is the trailer for one of my favourite movie of all time Old Boy

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