Wednesday 27 January 2010

Photo 'Word' activity

The above is what we carried out in lesson regarding photos that express many features such as electrify, quick and many more, so we would have to pick four topics and somehow express this theme with a picture so this is why I will explain the following.

We as group decided the topic mysteriouse was a great choice due to it being related to thrillers also the effect of the fog occured with nature because we didnt edit or add anything to improve the picture, however we took the picture from the 4th floor of the college building this gave as a great view (Birds eye view) and we just waited patiently for someone mysteriouse walked pass and it was great effect that he was walking pass these barriers therefore this could connote that the person was going to commit some sort of mischieve and had some air of danger around. Lastly the attire he was dress all in black therefore adding to scene.

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