Wednesday, 10 February 2010

Final Edit of livetype and sound filming practice

We got assigned to do a opening using a deck of cards and apart from it being simple object we had to make it a thriller, so we as group decided to play allot with the lighting as this would illustrate it would be a thriller so therefore you will notice the lighting is relatively dark.

Apart from the lighting we decided to do something unique and different from the other groups which was to play everything in reverse the reason we choose this was because it would keep the audience wondering what is going on and one of my peers said the following

"Is this clip playing magic tricks to my eyes"

My group knew what was occurring but by someone saying the following it gave as great satisfaction because we knew the audience was intact with this short film and we were motivated to do this sequence in this method by the film MEMENTO.

Also the sound also played a huge part because as it was going in reverse when the dealer is dealing the cards you hear the cards being shuffled however in some sort of reverse method so it was this key sound which gave it was going in reverse and also another key sound was when the character leaving done some whoosh sound therefore reinforcing the idea of it going in backwards, but it was sound cut pro that gave the whole idea of it being a thriller because it had some sort of mysterious air in the atmosphere so therefore with a mix of both lightning and sound it allowed the group to achieve a short thriller whilst playing a deck of cards.

so Hope you enjoy the following short film because me & my group are proud of this outstanding short film and I hope you analyzed the special feature of it occurring in reverse.

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