Friday 5 February 2010

News and current affairs

These are a few headlines in the news at the oment which could inspire our storyline for our thriller.

POLICE investigating the murder of two women found at a house today say they have found the body of a man nearby.
Officers were called to an address in Oswestry, Shropshire, shortly after 5am this morning.
Detective Superintendent Sheila Thornes from West Mercia Police, said the house remained cordoned off as more than 40 officers worked on the investigation.
She added: "At this stage, we are unable to go into further detail.
"As soon as we are able, we will issue a further statement."
A West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesman said: "After about an hour at the scene we were stood down by police." Read more:

'Man Held Daughter Captive In Cellar'
11:00pm UK, Sunday April 27, 2008
Police in Austria have entered a cellar where a man allegedly held his daughter captive for 24 years, during which time he may have fathered seven children by her.

Two of Elisabeth's daughters
The basement area consists of a very narrow hallway and several rooms, said Franz Polzer, head of the Lower Austrian Bureau of Criminal Affairs, on Austrian TV.
Authorities accessed the area after the fathertold them how to unlock a hidden door using a code only he had known.
Detectives say Elisabeth Fritzl had been missing since August 29, 1984.
Now aged 42, the woman was found after a tip-off to police. Her 73-year-old father Josef Fritzl has been arrested and is being held in custody.
Speaking from outside the house, Sky's Greg Milam said: "The fact that police have been able to get inside that cellar is significant.
"It means they have a better idea of what Elisabeth Fritzl was going through.
"But it also means the father is talking to police."
The case came to light after one of the children was taken to hospital in the town of Amstetten.
The youngster, 19-year-old Kerstin, was said by police to be "gravely ill".
Elisabeth told police her father began sexually abusing her when she was 11 and he locked her up in a room in the cellar on August 28, 1984.
During the 24 years that followed, she said she had six children by him.
The seventh child was a twin who died shortly after birth. Josef Fritzl removed the body and burned it.
The two oldest children, aged 18 and 19, and the youngest aged 5, had been locked up with their mother since birth and had never seen sunlight or received any education, police said.
Josef's wife Rosemarie had been unaware of what happened to her daughter and it was assumed she had disappeared voluntarily when her parents received a letter from her saying they should not search for her.
Three of Elisabeth's younger children were each left on her parents' doorstep, the first accompanied by a letter saying she could not look after the baby herself.
All were taken in by Josef and his wife as foster or adopted children and went to school as normal.
Police said Elisabeth only agreed to talk after the authorities promised she would not have to have see her father again and the children would be taken care of.
The mother and children are now being treated in hospital by a team of psychologists.
DNA tests are being carried out to determine whether Fritzl is the father.
The case follows that of Natascha Kampusch, the girl who was held in the basement of a house on the outskirts of Vienna for more than eight years.
She was snatched on her way to school by technician Wolfgang Priklopil, who threw himself in front of a train after she escaped.
In another case that rocked Austria, three young girls were locked up for seven years by their mentally ill mother near the city of Linz.

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